Situated on historic Independence Square overlooking the Liberty Bell, the Museum portrays the history of American Jews from their arrival in 1654 to the present day. It conveys not only a story of immigration but echoing the themes of its surroundings tells the story of freedom and Constitutional guarantees for such freedoms that is so central to the American Jewish story and unprecedented in the millennia of Jewish life in the Diaspora. Michael Berenbaum helped initiate the process by which the Museum was developed and served as one of the four historians for its permanent exhibition working on the 20th century exhibition. He authored the post-World War II section of the Museum’s catalogue and helped shape the exhibition from the 1920 through the Holocaust and the post-Holocaust era of American Jewry. Permanent Exhibition designed by Gallagher and Associates.
ServicesConceptual Design, Content DevelopmentLocationPhiladelphia, PennYear2001