Working with the National Freedom Center, the Holocaust and Humanity Education in Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Cultural Center, Michael Berenbaum worked to develop a Special Exhibition that used two Cincinnati survivors to tell the story of the Holocaust in general and the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in particular. He worked with their narrative story to create an exhibition that gave a broad historic overview but was also personal and local. He wrote the script, produced the testimonies and coordinated with the designers and staff to create this Special Exhibition that was both well reviewed and exceedingly well attended. The exhibition significantly increased the visitation to the National Freedom Center, a museum situated on the Ohio River in downtown Cincinnati that was the first stop toward freedom for the historic Underground Railroad. The exhibit is designed, fabricated and installed by Cincinnati Museum Center with design assistance from the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
ServicesConceptual Design, Content DevelopmentLocationCincinnati, Ohio Year2002CreditBuilding photo credit J. Miles Wolf