Situated on the site of the mass murder by gassing of some 500,000 Jewish victims between February and December 1942, Michael Berenbaum worked with the Polish government, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the American Jewish Community on the organization of the site for the placement of the memorial and the visitors center. He was one of three American representatives choosing the design for the memorial and became the chief curator of the Museum. The exhibition tells the story of what happened in Belzec from the time of the German occupation of Poland through its dismantling after the Murder of Galician Jewry was completed in 1943. He oversaw the development of the Museum’s films and audio presentations and represented the project to donors and governmental officials. (Pictures credit: Edward Serotta). Memorial designed by Andrzej Solyga, Zdzislaw Pidek and Marcin Roszczyk.
ServicesInterpretive Planning, Conceptual Design, Content Development, Media and FilmLocationBelzec, PolandYear2004