Situated in the heart of Boro Park, Brooklyn the home of New York’s significant Haredi – Orthodox – Jewish community, Berenbaum is the conceptual developer of the permanent exhibition. He has shaped the concept of the Museum as well as its artifact, photo and documentary collections and has worked with the filmmaker in order to produce the films that will tell the story of the Holocaust on three different levels. Among the unique aspects of this Museum will be an interactive program presenting the questions that Jews asked of their tradition as well as the responses – and non-responses – of Rabbis. The program will also present the way in which teaching of the Torah was used both to transmit the tradition, as well as to instruct Jews, often in oblique but well understood language, how to deal with the unprecedented reality that they were confronting. Also unique to this project will be an exploration of the rebirth of Orthodox Jewry, in all its diversity – Hasidic and the Yeshiva world — both in the United States and Israel in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Permanent Exhibition designed by Layman Design.
ServicesInterpretive Planning, Conceptual Design, Content Development, Media and FilmLocationBrooklyn, New YorkYear2009