Situated in downtown Mexico City adjacent to the Foreign Ministry. Berenbaum and Jacobs did the conceptual development for the Museum that moved from the story of the Holocaust to the issue of Genocide, telling the story of the Armenian, Rwandan and Cambodian Genocide and then to an interactive Museum exhibition on Tolerance. In addition Berenbaum helped develop the children’s exhibition that is visited by younger children for whom the larger exhibition is not age appropriate. He has trained their staff, secured major artifacts including a railroad car of the type used to deport Jews from ghettos to death camps and major models of the Crematoria BII at Birkenau. He worked with the Museum on its film offerings and continues to work with its educational and historical staff as well as docent training. Permanent Exhibition designed by Museum Planning.
ServicesInterpretive Planning, Conceptual Design, Content Development, Media and FilmLocationMexico CityYear2004